Terms & Conditions 1) DownBlouseLoving prohibits any illegal activity or links to such activities, on the Webmaster's site or when promoting any of our sites, such as but not limited to; any affiliation to child pornography, bestiality, incest, scat, hate crime, rape, torture, or any activity that may be harmful to any person in one form or another. 2) DownBlouseLoving will not tolerate any email spam whatsoever, or unsolicited mailings of any kind. Any promotion done by email will result in immediate account suspension and forfeiture of all monies, and may also be added to a blacklist at DownBlouseLoving's discretion. 3) DownBlouseLoving will not tolerate the use of any suggestive words that may create confusion or be related to illegal activities, such as but not limited to; lolita, child, children, young teen, young girl, infant, preteen, rape, torture, incest. 4) DownBlouseLoving cannot be held responsible for any losses due to downtime, hosting or technical issues with hardware. If a serious issue should arise, DownBlouseLoving will make it a top priority to alert all Webmaster, and make all necessary arrangements to remedy the problem as quickly as we possibly can. 5) Payments for the the CCBill program will be issued by CCBill themselves. Please verify your CCBill account settings for more information on payments or minimums, or for more options such as account merging, ect. CCBill will pay you 50% off all sales and rebills. 6) CCBill is also responsible for Credits (Refunds) or Chargebacks (Non-Disputable refunds issues by the credit card companies "Visa, Mastercard, ect..."), and for any extra fees associated therewith. Please verify with CCBill themselves. 7) Only after written permission may a Webmaster use member area content for promotion. If permission has not been granted and member access has not been given, any Webmaster that uses any content for members only will be considered as theft or copyright infringement and can be prosecuted as such. For any issues above, please contact us HERE. |
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